Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Immorality of Excessive Gambling Essay

Excessive gambling is immoral because it causes people to exhaust their resources on an activity with uncertain results which can result to bigger problems in the end. Those who gamble should practice moderation in their ways so that they will be able to avoid the possibilities of gambling dependency on one’s future and of drying-up one’s financial resources just to satisfy an earthly pleasure. Instead of going to casinos and playing card games on a regular basis, people should only do so as a pastime so that they can a lot most of their time to more rewarding activities that are certain to compensate for their efforts. If a person gambles too much, the tendency of the individual is to use most—if not all—of his financial resources just to satisfy his desire to gamble (Kusyszyn, 1984). An excessive gambler does not mind if the odds of winning are small compared to the odds of losing. Moreover, an excessive gambler no longer minds if the money he has gambled has already reached to amounts that are already way beyond the ordinary. The excessive gambler, therefore, is so devoted to spending a luxurious amount in the hopes of winning his bet which, if he did win, he will then again use to gamble. While the case of an excessive gambler is not always beyond repair, the damages that his deeds can inflict not only to himself but also to his family can certainly alter the course of their lives for the worse, if not the worst. For one, financial debt can never be far behind because an excessive gambler will find ways just to fuel his addiction—including loans either from lending institutions or other people. This will certainly affect the financial security of himself and of his family. Another thing is that excessive gambling can lead to loss of time for work and for the family. If the excessive gambler losses time for his work, there is a great chance that he will be losing his job which can cut-off his or his family’s source of income. The loss of time for the family is also negative consequence because it causes family members to lose emotional bond. If the gambler is a father, there is the risk that his children will no longer see him as a fatherly figure or, probably worse, they may reach the point where they will no longer miss his presence in the household while he is out in the casinos gambling. More importantly, excessive gambling is immoral because it takes away the opportunity for families to develop and grow in many ways. Instead of spending the money on gambling, the money could have been better spent on household furniture, on paying monthly bills, family vacation and other things that could have brought the family closer together. The latter options are certainly the better options to take instead of gambling too much. The omission of these good options in exchange for the worse option is certainly not a moral thing to do when the person could have just chosen the option that was primarily beneficial to everybody in the household and its future. From a utilitarian perspective, disregarding the option that maximizes benefits to the most number of individuals concerned is not the moral thing to do (Freeman, 1994). Thus, excessive gambling is immoral from a utilitarian standpoint. Aristotle’s philosophy of moderation suggests that human beings should avoid the extremes because the excess and the deficiency of anything are vices whereas the moderation of it is considered to be a virtue (Yu, 1998). The same principle can be applied to contemporary gambling. For example, an individual’s deficiency of playing slot machines in casinos or anywhere else where there ways to gamble is considered as a vice. On the other hand, spending too much time, attention and resources on playing poker in a Las Vegas casino is also considered to be a vice. The best option that should be taken is a moderate gambling practice because, according to Aristotle, the moderate way is the virtuous way which can lead to the good life. Instead of going regularly to casinos or spending more time in the race track than in the household, the excessive gambler should practice moderating his addiction. He can instead cut the time and money he is spending on his vices and devote more of them to his family. He can also choose to work harder in the office or spend more time with his children so that he will have less time for gambling. The bright side to that is that he becomes less of a person addicted to gambling while being more of a normal person at the same time. The point is not to siphon all of your time, resources and attention to gambling as it deprives you of some of life’s better activities. It does not mean, however, that the person should altogether abandon gambling. The thing is that gambling can still be a part of a person’s life, only that this time around gambling is no longer an addiction but rather a leisurely activity spent for pastime. In fact, moderate gambling can be a source of emotional bond for family members especially for the adult parents. For instance, a couple can decide to go on vacation in Las Vegas and spend a bit of time and money in a casino where they can play together for fun. If they lose, not much is lost because the primary goal was to establish more emotional bond together. If they win, however, their financial winnings can be considered as mere ‘bonuses’ to their primary intent. This perhaps best explains why gambling can also be a good deed so long as it is within moderate limits. It is easy to see and understand why excessive gambling is immoral. For the most part, it is a menace that tears down family bond and deprives people of spending their lives on better activities. Although excessive gambling is immoral, the moderation of gambling can still be considered as a good thing for it can also bring families closer together. References Freeman, S. (1994). Utilitarianism, Deontology, and the Priority of Right Utilitarianism, Deontology, and the Priority of Right. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 23(4), 313-349. Kusyszyn, I. (1984). The Psychology of Gambling. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 474, 133-145. Yu, J. (1998). Virtue: Confucius and Aristotle. Philosophy East and West, 48(2), 323-347.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analyse Communication Methods and Assess their Effectiveness in a Care Settings

Analyse communication methods and assess their effectiveness in a care settings. Health and social care professionals have to develop effective communication skills in order to work with the diverse range of people who use and work within care services. The two contexts, or types of circumstances, in which communication and interaction occur are one-to-one and group contexts.One-to-one communication occurs when one person speaks with or writes to another individual. Examples of one-to-one communication in health care could be a patient talking to his/her doctor, a doctor talking to a patient’s family and a doctor breaking sensitive news to a patient. Effective communication and interaction play an important role in the work of all health and social care professionals.For example, care professionals need to be able to use a range of communication and interaction skills in order to: Work inclusively with people of different ages and diverse backgrounds, respond appropriately to the variety of care-related problems and individual needs of people who use care services, obtain clear, accurate information about a person’s problems, symptoms or concerns. Group communication follows slightly different ‘rules’ to communication in one-to-one situations. There is often more going on in a group, with a number of different people trying to speak, get their point across and their voice heard.These work better when the group is small as the leader can interact better than working with large groups. As a communication context, groups can have a number of benefits for participants: a group can be an effective way of sharing responsibilities and groups can improve decision-making and problem-solving because they draw on the knowledge and skills of a number of people However, groups can also limit the effectiveness of communication if: people find it hard to speak and contribute effectively or to challenge aspects of the group’s thinking or pract ices.This can lead to poorly thought-out, unquestioned decisions being made. Care professionals need to understand how communication and interpersonal interaction occur in both formal and informal contexts. Knowing when to communicate formally and when to use informal communication improves the effectiveness of a care professional’s communication and interactions. Formal communication is the interaction between two or more people, which does adhere to the rules of formal communication. Formal communication requires appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills.Other  examples of formal communication are: formal letter or email. Informal communication is more relaxed, more personal and ‘looser’ than formal communication. People use informal language when they speak with or write to their family, friends or close relatives. Care professionals have to learn to assess each person’s communication needs and preferences and to understand the different contexts in wh ich formal and informal communication is appropriate. Developing this understanding and flexibility enables a care professional to be respectful, sensitive and effective whenever they are communicating with others.Care professionals communicate and interact with colleagues, other professionals and the people who use care services by using a variety of word-based (verbal) and non-word-based (non-verbal) methods of communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication can be explored separately but occur simultaneously. Effective verbal communication occurs when one person speaks (writes) and at least one other listens to (reads) and understands the message. Talking with service users, their relatives and with colleagues is a frequent, everyday occurrence for care professionals.For example, verbal communication skills are needed to: respond to questions asked by people who use services, their families and friends; discuss the worries, concerns and distress of people who use care services ; ask questions when carrying out needs assessments or reviewing progress. Services user’s records, organisational policies and procedures, official letters and memos, emails and text messages between care practitioners are all examples of verbal, or word-based, communication in written form.People who have hearing (or dual hearing and sight) impairments sometimes communicate through the use of specialist forms of nonverbal signing. Sign languages are often taught and used in settings where service users have limited ability to use verbal language due to learning disabilities. In situations where people speak different languages or prefer to use different communication systems – such as British Sign Language or Makaton – effective communication may only be possible if assistance is provided by a third party.Care organisations and agencies may use one or more of the following human aids to ensure that communication are effective in these circumstances. As a profe ssional, it is your responsibility to make sure that your communication skills meet the needs of the people you support. We don’t have to talk to other people to communicate or interact with them. We also communicate non-verbally through body language, the way we dress and sometimes through the activities we take part in.As we will see, body language, art, drama and music, as well as specialist techniques such as signing, are all non-verbal methods of communication that are used within care settings. The human face is very expressive and is an important source of nonverbal communication. Care practitioners can use their understanding of postural messages to read a person’s mood and feelings. This can give useful information during assessment interviews and in one-to-one counselling sessions. Nonverbal communication, just like language, varies across cultures. These differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.Nonverbal communication is communication through mean s other than language, facial expressions, personal space, and eye contact, use of time, conversational silence and cultural space. Care professionals communicate effectively when they are able to ‘connect’ directly with other individuals. To be able to do this well, a care professional must adapt to the communication and language needs and preferences of others. This includes people who are unable to use spoken language and people who have sensory impairments that limit their communication and interaction abilities.Care professionals may also encourage some people to make use of technological aids, such as electronic communicators, hearing aids and videophones, to overcome specific communication problems. These kinds of technological aids are specifically designed to help individuals who have difficulty sending or receiving the messages that form their communication with others. Getting your message across, and correctly interpreting the messages communicated to you, a re vital to effective communication.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Financial Management Analysis of Toyota and General Motors Research Paper

Financial Management Analysis of Toyota and General Motors - Research Paper Example In this regard, it will be worth mentioning that the success or failure of any business unit can be largely depicted from the facts presented in the financial reports of the companies. This approach is often regarded as financial management analysis of any business, depicting its current business positioning. Contextually, the role of conducting financial management analysis is deemed to be quite effective in this modern day business. The effectiveness of the performance of any business can mainly be determined through a comprehensive analysis of varied financial reports comprising capital management, income statement, balance sheet and statement of funds (Nieuwenhuizen, 2007). With this concern, the research paper intends to conduct an effective analysis of financial management, which compares and contrasts two particular companies namely Toyota Motor Corporation and General Motors Company (GM). The analysis will mainly address analyzing the financial data of previous three years of both the companies in terms of capital management, balance sheet, income statement and statement of funds. Both Toyota and GM are recognized as the leading market players operating in the automobile sector for numerous years. These companies have been able to attain superior competitive position in terms of delivering quality products and/or services to their respective customers worldwide. Evidently, Toyota is a Japanese based automobile manufacturer, which enraged its customer base through offering quality products to them. The company is also widely recognized for its adoption of lean manufacturing approach along with the practice of Total Quality Management (TQM). These aspects further ensure that the company could be able to deliver quality products to the customers with utmost consistency, thereby gaining maximum profitability. Specially mentioning, Toyota became much renowned in applying effective corporate

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson - Essay Example As the President he worked on reversals of a number of Federalist policies like the removal of the excise tax on whiskey, the cut back on military budget and reduction of the national debt, secured repeal of the Naturalization Act, and also worked on getting the Alien and Sedition Act to expire and pardoned anyone affected by it (Wright, 2008). Alexander Hamilton on the other hand was born very simple however he grew to become a very strong and recognised figure in the powerful central government. He as well joined the Cabinet as the secretary of the treasury when Washington became the first President in 1789. He has proved to be very productive and has secured in the creation of the national bank and dealing with the government debts (DiLorenzo, 2008). Although he had been very helpful to the country and proved to be a very successful leader, he was in a scandal of adulterous affairs which led him to be public ridiculed. Both these leaders were equally good politically and with the amount they provided to the public, however Alexander Hamilton was the only one who was faced with a lot of public ridicule. Later Alexander needed to choose between two political opponents for the presidency and this is when the two, Hamilton and Jefferson worked on the same side to win over Adam Burr, who was considered to be unprincipled. Both Hamilton as well as Jefferson were to extremely principled and focused (Wright,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Women in Ancient Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women in Ancient Society - Research Paper Example It is true that the Byzantine era was characterized by today’s stereotypical understanding of women’s depressed position in ancient societies at least among the lower classes.   The church played a powerful role in subjugating women, often introducing legal stipulations which limited the actions of women as a means of preventing defilement and impurity, but couldn’t refuse the generosity and donations of the wealthy (Viscuso, 2005: 317).   Thus, women belonging to the aristocracy did not necessarily fall under this distinction or suffer this fate.   According to Grubbs, â€Å"The law determined, according to status, the sexual relationships and roles open to a woman, and the amount of protection from violence or exploitation she could expect† (2001: 221).   Through marriage, aristocratic women were able to gain status by acquiring a legal share in the power wielded by their husbands.   In some cases, these women were even able to wield power dire ctly having been given her husband’s authority.   By using marriage as a tool and with the protection of the law as it applied to women of a particular social status, women of this period were able to siphon off a large amount of the power normally enjoyed by men.   Evidence can also be found by tracing the patronage of various pieces of religious artwork and in the artwork of the state. The Virgin Mary is, of course, one of the major symbols of the Christian faith, but there is an underlying message behind her figure that has often spoken to women and provided them with an example.  

American Government and History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Government and History - Assignment Example There were a series of events including tax resistance against British colonists that led to the formation of a congress that adopted the Independence Declaration. This resulted to the foundation of The United States of America. With constitution amendment, abolishment of retrogressive practices like slavery and the emergence of the Manifest Destiny Doctrine a stable government was formed. This paper seeks to assess the history of the American government. 1. The term government refers to a system through which policies of a state are enforced to control its citizens. The government includes legislators, administrators and arbitrators. These positions are acquired through political discourses. 3. Sovereignty is "an attribute of a state in the form of its complete self-sufficiency in the frames of a certain territory that is supreme in its domestic policy and independence in the foreign one" (Story 88). This enables a state to have authority over another. 4. Hegemony refers to a type of leadership where there is imperial dominance.The ruler uses the implied power to geopolitically mediocre states. Rebellion is thus eliminated without direct military action Theocracy is a means of rule that has raised a lot of debate between the religious rulers and political leaders on who has more power. It is a type of government who are led by religious persons who are divinely guided in their state activities. The source of power is from a supreme being that is God. These leaders must be members of a clergy. Some of the benefits of this type of leadership is it creates a sagacity of community that is more established. There is also an infallible word of law with strict rules, and a respectable and notable leader since authority is from God (Storey 96). However, there are disadvantages that come as a result of theocracy, and they outweigh the advantages. According to Storey (98), perversion of the theocracy by

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Case of Mr.R.Abel Rowser Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The of Mr.R.Abel Rowser - Case Study Example First off, while reading the Statute, one should underline several points in it. It is all about the intent to provoke, attempts to congregate with others, willingness to disturb the peace and peaceful development of the society at the moment (Schultz and Sirico 60). Following these prescriptions of the law, it is necessary to pay attention to the postulates, so to speak, of the democratic society keeping the freedom of speech in mind. On the other hand, Mr. Rowser did not have straight-forward confrontations with the people gathered nearby at the moment of his fulfilled â€Å"gesture†. Nevertheless, the D.C. Statute pays one’s attention to the clear identification where cases of disorderly conduct take place, namely: Acts in such a manner as to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct, or be offensive to others†¦shall be fined not more than $250 or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both (Schultz and Sirico 60). It is about time to take a glimpse at the somehow similar cases, Rodgers v. United States and District of Columbia 290 A.2d 395 (D.C. 1972) and Rockwell v. District of Columbia. The question is that both of them touch upon the cases of direct and violent confrontation between appellants and the crowd or other parties. Definitely, the law defends those who live and act in line with its values and prescriptions. Thus, Mr. Rodgers as well as Mr. Rockwell intentionally provoked disorders and physical contradictions harmful for the rest of the society. In case of Mr. Rowser, this confrontation was evaded by the appellant himself, as he escaped and disappeared at the moment when the pressure grew its apogee. To say more, Mr. Rowser was not inclined to provoke a disorder by means of his behavior, as the main intention was to attract the government’s attention in the course of the military activities provided by the US. The freedom of speech is not the same as the violence and assault or an offense able to hurt feelings of other com munities within the multinational country like the United States (Rockwell’s case). Furthermore, if there is a legal restriction for trespassing a definite area, no illegal attempts to do so shall be appreciated (Rodger’s case). In addition, if the government is still blind to see the national problem from inside out, Rowser’s case omits the points stated in the D.C. Disorderly Statute. That is to say, no one can accuse him in non-patriotic intentions, but in the patriotism starting from the rational analysis of the nationwide problem still unresolved. What Mr. Rowser did not expect was the reaction of public-spirited Vietnam veterans. Probably, they thought that Mr. Rowser was a representative of some radical or terrorist groups whose argument against the USA is in burning the US flag. However, the act by Mr. Rowser was neither about yelling during the nighttime not about the disturbance in the places of public significance. First, his demonstration was silent as the main slogan was carved on his back. Second, he cut and ran while the crowd perceived his action in a wrong way, as he meant initially. Thus, the formal element of a definition of a crime is incomplete for Mr. Rowser due the aforementioned arguments on the background of other similar precedents. The Statute is still vital for re-discovery of the exact intentions of the appellants. However, if such intentions do not coincide with the points of the Statute, there is no reason to find a person guilty. By the way, the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Computers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computers - Research Paper Example This further took a new dimension when the web 2.0 was introduced with offers like social networking sites, blogs, and other similar features which made it more interesting and hard to resist and avoid. The intensity of the usage and its presence in our daily life can be imagined by the fact that just a single website has as many as eighty million members on it. With time the progress made by computers was so enormous that they crept into different disciplines of life and today they are part of every mobile phone, every television set, every refrigerator and every screen that is out on the road and in the sports gymnasiums. Mid 80s: While the first twenty years were slow in progress with regard to computer’s development. The dominant force in those times was I.B.M and computers were quite large in size. The changes came in, in time when the black and white and colorless scheme was replaced by the colored screens. The command line interface (C.L.I) was replaced by Graphic User Interface (G.U.I) and it brought more interest in to it(Kumar, 51). Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc) was the pioneer in this regard and introduced resulted in more interest attraction from the customers (O'Grady, 32). The next step in the overall journey was the reduction of sizes of computers. While at first the computers were not able to be handled by single user and mainframe computers were quite common which were only limited to organizational usage, they were soon replaced by the personal computers which resulted in one computer per home and one computer per room. However even this was to change and the change came in form of the monitors and display screens. The cathode ray tubes (C.R.T) were replaced by L.C.D (Liquid Crystal Displays) which... Moore rightly predicted change and increase in the number of computer electronic devices every eighteen to twenty months (Shuman, 10). Where we stand today can be the ground breaking foundation for what is to come ahead. What we consider mammoth in terms of the progress made by computers might well be the stepping stone towards more advanced technologies and with the progress so far made, it is promised to bring further revolution and change in the manner in which computers are being handled. The terabyte space which might seem large enough today might not be even sufficient to accommodate the requirements of future single hard disk drive. They have created a total new world of digital existence with lots of jobs on offer and many other activities which would not be possible otherwise. It is the true gift of 20th century that is bound to stay here for times to come.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Materials and technology in English language teaching Assignment

Materials and technology in English language teaching - Assignment Example Materials and Technology in English Language Teaching Technology and ideas relevant to it as well as other implementations have continuously changed rapidly. This renders it difficult to provide a definitive picture of CALL in the market, mostly in the web. CALL refers to Computer Assisted Language Learning. It has been in existence since the 1960s, however, the focus as indicated, revolves around its existence and involvement in the market, over the last 15 years. One arm of Applied Linguistics has been gaining in popularity in the past 10 years. A number of scholars have provided us with now well-established definitions. For Levy, CALL is the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning. Beatty refers to CALL as any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, ends up improving his or her language. This encompasses a broad spectrum of current practices in teaching and learning at the computer, whilst Egbert states that CALL is learners learning language in any context with, thr ough computer technologies.  As noted, alternative acronyms to CALL emerged in recognition of the rise of the Internet proposed Technology Enhanced Language Learning, which emphasizes the technology the computer provides rather than the computer itself. Web-enhanced Language Learning lay coined to refer to the Internet as a medium for instruction, whilst Warschauer and (Kern 2000) proposed Network-based Language Learning, which stresses computers connected to one another with human-to-human communication as the focus. Most importantly, these definitions and acronyms have at their core the notion of students working on a desktop or laptop computer, usually in order to consciously practice or learn a language. With the computer at the core and applications usually centered on consciously practicing languages, it is not difficult to see how these alternative acronyms effectively became no more than offshoots of CALL, as they did not challenge its defining characteristics. The signifi cance of the English language for all students when using computers outside of their studies is clear to see from the response to Q2. A tiny 3.3% indicated that they use only L1, compared to a massive combined 86.6% who use both L1 and L2. A further 8.1 per cent reported using only English. We have already noted that responses to Q3 included a number of websites and it was references to Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia, which dominated the replies. Comments from the qualitative data provided more detailed insights, into the significance of English for these particular students. In view of an example, I like games in English. It is easy to understand a game in English and a TF uses computers mostly in English and if she does not understand. I can guess and if I don’t know I search online dictionary Longdo, it’s pretty good, it’s easy to use’. However, the dominance of the English language on the internet can also make it difficult for some students as exempl ified by a comment from an EF. Sometimes it is a problem because we do not understand some words and we feel confused. Language pedagogy over the past 25 years has seen a significant shift from teacher- to learner-centered approaches and the notion lies frequently realized in SACs, which have now become an essential feature for many providers. A SAC here refers to the physical location where they make both paper-based materials (PbMs) and CbMs available for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Assessment and Community Intervention Programs Assignment

Bipolar Disorder Assessment and Community Intervention Programs - Assignment Example In the market, as it is, there are three versions of the Beck Depression Inventory, which are basically improvements on previous versions (Parker & Ketter, 2010). The original version was first introduced for use in 1961 and is generally referred to as the BDI (Parker & Ketter, 2010). This was later in 1978 revised into the BDI-1A, which was also consequently modified into 1996’s BDI-II (Parker & Ketter, 2010). Presently, the BDI-II remains the most widely used version of the Beck Depression Inventory (Parker & Ketter, 2010). The BDI is a 21 question inventory of self-report rating which evaluates the common symptoms and attitudes associated with bipolar disorder (Rosner, 2014). The BDI is available in a number of different convenient forms such as computerized forms and card forms (Clinical Psychology, 2015). The forms require approximately 10 minutes to successfully complete (Beck Depression Inventory-II, 2015). However, the user requires a 5th to the 6th grade level of read ing competency in order that they may properly understand the questions and thus respond appropriately (Parker & Ketter, 2010). The multiple choice questionnaire, which is suited for persons who are 13 years of age and over, delves on items that determine presence/ absence of symptoms of bipolar disorder like irritability, hopelessness, feeling of being punished, guilt, fatigue, lack/ loss of interest in sex, loss of weight, and so on (Clinical Psychology, 2015).The assessment can be self-administered or done verbally by a trained administrator. The user of the instrument has the responsibility of ensuring appropriate use of the test, such as in administration, interpretation, application, and scoring of the results (Clinical Psychology, 2015). Some test instances can be given and rated/ scaled by persons with lower levels of training as long as they remain under the supervision of a qualified user (Parker & Ketter, 2010).  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Importance of Knowing Grammar to Students Essay Example for Free

Importance of Knowing Grammar to Students Essay â€Å"indeed.† Grammar is the backbone of a language and without it any single thing you know may be flux, in a sort of jelly without much consistency. In a nutshell, grammar provides you with the structure you need in order to organize and put your messages and ideas across. It is the railway through which your messages will be transported. Without it, in the same way as a train cannot move without railways, you won’t be able to convey your ideas to their full extension without a good command of the underlying grammar patterns and structures of the language. I understand that many students ask this question simply because in their own experience they have always been presented with two main scenarios, and nothing in between. They want to know where they are going to be standing as regards to their learning. Which are those two scenarios? Well, in one extreme we have those language courses that teach grammar almost exclusively, as if preparing the students to be grammarians of the second language rather than users. In the other extreme we have those â€Å"communicative† courses in which the only thing that is done is to talk about something or to read an article and comment on it. In many cases, what is seen in one class has no resemblance to what is done in the next. In my experience, both scenarios may seem good for very specific purposes but I personally feel both are inappropriate for most language learners. For starters, by itself, a good command of the grammar of a language does not imply that the person is able to communicate effectively, as we usually see with students who have only been exposed to an all-grammar-oriented approach sometimes for many years. Many could recite the grammar by heart but if asked to express basic information, they would hesitate too much and browse through all the grammar rules in their heads before making an utterance, or simply dry up. Secondly, just talking in class without anything else done in order to learn from the actual conversation is not good enough either. It may be helpful of course, but up to a certain point. This approach may be more useful for very advanced students who just need to brush up their second language, but for those in need of building up the foundations of a new language, it is certainly too vague and flux, without any consistency. So then, when asked: is grammar really important for a second language learner? I always say yes, but, the real question, or issue here is not whether grammar is important or not but rather how we should present grammar to our students. You may be surprised to hear that most of my own students, even advanced ones, have very little awareness of grammar jargon and terminology, in spite of the fact that they can make a pretty good use of the second language. How is that possible? you may ask. First and foremost, teachers need to know precisely what they are trying to prepare their students for. I do know that what I want is to create users of a new language. I want to prepare people to actually engage in communicative situations using appropriate language and patterns. I am definitely not interested in their explaining to me or making a mental list of all the grammar uses that a certain pattern has. For example, think of your own native language. Name all the tenses that you can find in your own native tongue with their corresponding uses and structures. Unless you are a teacher, a translator or someone who needs to have a very good grasp of this meta-language, more likely than not you may feel at a loss to answer that question. And that does NOT mean in any sense that you are not a terrific user of that language. After all, you can understand and express whatever you want with ease. What is more, by being able to do so, you show an awesome command of the internal grammar of the language. If you knew no grammar patterns you would not be able to make a single sentence but you can. This means that although you may lack the conscious ability to describe how your language works (i.e. its grammar) you can use it perfectly. You are a user of the language. You make a perfect use of the grammar of your native language intuitively or unconsciously. Again, our primary goal as second language teachers must be to create users or the language, not linguists! It escapes the aim of this article to describe how we can achieve this but basically we are going to name the main elements to consider to create language users. To begin with, it should be noted that whatever we present our students with should follow a progression from the very general meaning to the very specific pattern or structure we want them to learn (or that they need to learn of course). I would like to highlight that all this takes place within the same class. Before we start to use the material we have selected, it would be good to introduce the students to the topic you are going to work on. You can have them guess or infer what the material will say about it, they can make predictions and when they fail to use appropriate language, you may provide it. This is good to elicit vocabulary that may be necessary for them to know in order to understand the topic. After you have created curiosity in the topic and provided students with key terms on the topic, make sure you follow a progression such as the one that follows: 1) Provide them with exposure to real language and real situations IN CONTEXT. 2) Initial focus on gist, not form. 3) Focus on more specific meaning. 4) We can then focus on very specific meaning. 5) Analysis and systematization: after we make sure the students have a good understanding of the whole material, you can have them focus on particular items or patterns that may be important for them to learn at their stage (i.e. grammar) You can systematize it more formally and teach them how it works. After all, they have already seen it in practice and they have also worked around meaning, now it is time for them to learn how to use it. 6) Give them exercises for them to practice the new structure. Do not be afraid of using grammar drills and patterns. They could be VERY useful for them to fix the new structures in their brains. 7) Give them homework to force them to revise this at a later time. The homework does not necessarily need to be communicative in nature. Profit from the time in class to communicate and interact. If possible, avoid drilling activities while you are with them in class. However, the time they are on their own could be very well used to do all the drilling and rote practice that may prove useful for them to gain a good command of the grammar form you are trying to teach them. Personally I feel that the time in class must be used for providing learners with as many communicative situations as possible, rather than making them focus on drills and patterns that they could easily practise on their own. 8) Provide them with ample opportunities to practice what they have learned in REAL or REALISTIC communicative situations. Create situations so that they can make lots of mistakes and encourage them to improve on them by reminding them of what they have studied. 9) Recycle and mention the topic again as many times as necessary, time and again. This is essential for them to finally acquire the new structures in a natural way. As you can see, I am not condemning grammar at all as some readers may feel when in my articles I complain about teachers working almost exclusively with a grammar-oriented approach. On the contrary, I feel it is essential in order to master a language. However, how grammar is presented to the students is what really matters. I utterly disagree with those teachers who come to class and tell the class: â€Å"Open your books. Today we will learn the â€Å"Simple Present Tense.† In the suggested steps to follow in any class, you will have noticed that I have used a quite eclectic approach, starting from a communicative situation (steps 1-4) with the focus on understanding the message from the gist up to very detailed info and later, and only later, once meaning is clearly understood, we reach the grammar item we may need our students to learn at their stage. The obvious advantage of this approach is that while dealing with grammar, the students will have a clear idea of the context in which it was used and the communicative need it satisfied.

Eddie Lyons Essay Example for Free

Eddie Lyons Essay The musical play Blood Brothers, written by Willy Russell, is the story of twins separated at birth. Mrs Johnstone, a working-class Liverpudlian mother of seven children, agrees to give one of the twins she is expecting to her wealthy but barren employer, Mrs Lyons. The infant kept, Mickey Johnstone, grows up in poverty while his twin, Eddie Lyons, enters a privileged life. Bound by fear of discovery, and superstition that should either of the boys learn he has a twin, both will die on that day, so the mothers keep the exchange secret. Completely unaware that they are brothers, Mickey and Eddie meet as seven-year-old children and form friendship that lasts until the day they die. It is that concluding tragic event in fact, that is the opening scene of the play, which then backtracks to recount their separate and interwoven lives of success and despair. Willy Russell wrote Blood Brothers in the 1960s. He was born in 1947, in Whiston which is just outside Liverpool, and has based the story here around his own experiences. He grew up in Liverpool in a working class family, singing in clubs to earn a living and at the age of 22 he worked in a warehouse to raise money for college. He was confronted even from an early age with the injustice of the two-class society. Thus there are clear biographical parallels to the character of Mickey. He was also influenced by females during his life thus the strong relations to the mother in this work. Liverpool in those days was split according to social class. This means people in that time were divided along the lines of being rich and poor, the educated and non-educated etc. Liverpool has been the home to one of the highest levels of unemployment in the developed world, with over 25% of the workforce out of a job, and it is important to consider this when taking account of Russells depiction and own views of class and unemployment The main theme of Russells play is based on this social class difference although there are strong elements of fate and destiny, superstition, surrogacy, childhood and adolescence, humour and tragedy. Blood Brothers is more than a simple morality tale of twin brothers separated as infants, who, after radically different upbringings, reunite (oblivious of their blood bond) as closest friends. It also focuses on two very different mothers, one-the birth mother- unselfishly giving and accepting, while the others love is neurotic, stifling and ultimately destructive. These two mothers lived all their lives close or near to each other, but in terms of class they lived miles apart. Mrs. Johnstone a single and working class woman is earning a meagre living as a cleaning lady at the home of the affluent Mrs. Lyons. We are first introduced to Mrs. Johnstone, who describes her experience of a halfhearted marriage and the arrival of her numerous children. It is with a bittersweet attitude of acceptance that she explains the moment her husband deserts her, the costs of living for which she has little means and the news that she is expecting not one more mouth to feed but two. Mrs. Lyons does not need to go to work, only shopping. In contrast to this Mrs. Johnstone cannot even pay the milkman, she says, I said, I said, look, next week Ill pay y. We see the contrast of social classes between Mrs. Johnstones home and the home in which she cleans, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Whilst the home of the Johnstones plays host to the constant clamour of childhood Games and battles, Mrs. Lyons is often alone whilst Mr. Lyons is on business, in an impeccable house that suffers somewhat from a cold and sterile atmosphere. The opening scenes develop this theme. All through the play we see significant differences between Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Johnstone. In the beginning the Narrator describes Mrs. Johnstone as the mother, so cruel but this is not actually what he means. For instance, the fact that Mrs. Johnstone allows the boys to go to the cinema to watch the Swedish Au Pairs film could be seen as negligent, and we know that Mrs. Lyons would have definitely not been so liberal. In reality we see that Mrs. Johnstone has a better understanding and acceptance of the fact that young boys will be sexually curious and she does not try to suppress their curiosity. She is depicted as a down to earth and the more approachable mother- she of course gains instant credibility with her two sons. This incident also exemplifies that happiness when growing up is not assured by social status or wealth. Instead of viewing Mrs. Johnstone as a cruel character, we are lead to sympathise with her dilemma. We see her handle her house full of children with endless patience and tenderness. Despite being trapped by her social position and her lack of funds, she is down to earth and does not see money as the answer to her problems. We see her refuse money (for giving her child away) from the desperate Mrs. Lyons MRS LYONS: Thousands Im talking about thousands if you want it, and think what you could do with money like that. MRS JOHNSTONE: Id spend it. Id buy more junk and trash; thats all. I dont want your money. Ive made a life here. Its not much of one maybe, but I made it. In contrast, Mrs. Lyons is very aware of her social position and the above scene indicates that she sees money as a solution to the problem of Mrs. Johnstone. Mrs. Lyons is also portrayed as a cold woman who doesnt show much emotion. She is very over-protective of Eddie and fears his bond with the Johnstones. Later in the play this fear becomes more evident and she appears as a troubled, weird character that appears to be losing control this is evident when she attempts to attack Mrs. Johnstone with a kitchen knife. Mrs. Johnstone is very strong not only physically but also psychologically. She is not a person who cries for help and gets depressed and upset if something goes wrong. An example of this is highlighted on the way she copes ( laying on a smile for him ) with the judge when Sammy gets into trouble. In contrast to this Mrs. Lyons asks for help from her husband every time she has difficulty. She gets depressed very easily e. g. when Eddie isnt in the garden because he went away to play with Mickey, so Mrs. Lyons forces her husband to leave work during the day to find Eddie. She also runs away from problems whenever she can, rather than dealing with them e.g. she was prepared to move homes to split Eddie from Mickey.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Time Management Benefits: University Students

Time Management Benefits: University Students Time management refers to a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Many people sometimes forget about that successful people all manage time well. They value every second of their time, and always make sure that none of it is wasted. In order to be successful, time management is important because students must balance their time wisely among many commitments such as classes, study time, family, friends, and possibly employment. If time is not managed properly, it is easy for students to put off the important tasks or project and concern only on favour activities. Procrastination most likely to happen when there is the least of time management. From an article in Wikipedia, titled Procrastination, procrastination refers to the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting and/or completing any task or decision. It affects most students at some stage of their studies. They attempt to escape doing a specific task that full with boredom. However, the task which is not getting started can make you feeling stress and ultimately panic in which it will influence students academic performance. The way to overcome this is to break down each task into small sub tasks. A schedule can help you dedicate appropriate time to each sub task. Students have to maintain productivity and concentration by scheduling difficult tasks during the most productive work time. Students can use their study time wisely and balance other commitments by having a proper designed and organized schedule. How to design and put on a task into a schedule are the key terms. Consider investing some time into learning how to go about doing this. Students can invest the time upfront and get back the dividend by getting setup a weekly schedule. Thus, students will find the goals and objectives that they have set are achievable. 1.2 Statement of Problem University life is full of challenges. Most of the FPPSM students find it hard to balance their studies, campus activities, work and sport. Furthermore, students always complaint that they are unable to study and do assignment till last minutes. This will lead to poor academic performance. Sometimes, they spend too much time for leisure activities and left their assignments behind their mind. All these problems arise because most of the students do not manage their time properly. So, it is important to know how FPPSM students manage their time to keep a balanced perspective on all areas associated with university life. Most of the FPPSM students have low level of personal discipline. So, they seldom follow the time schedule that they had made themselves. In addition, they also seldom follow the time that plan by lecturer in the course outline. They fail to notice the several important weeks that cause late submission. Furthermore, most of the FPPSM students feel stress and cannot concentrate in the lecture room. They suffer stress because they do not manage their time properly. The students may not have skill to manage theirs. So, they will feel stress when they cannot finish their assignments or study on time. As a result, they will sacrifice their sleeping time to finish all their work. These are all the reasons why the research emphasizes on time management among FPPSM students. 1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of research is to investigate the awareness of FPPSM students about the importance of time management. This study will lead students to understand more about time management and inquire into the importance of time management to their academic performance. From the research, relationship among the effectiveness of time management and academic performance can be identified. Besides that, the research will survey the method used by successful students and explain how the successful students manage time in order to balance their studying time and extra-curricular activities. By conducting this research, FPPSM students may get more detailed information about how the successful students use their time wisely among school activities and their personal life or social life. The research may identify the ways of FPPSM students used to release their stress by using leisure time. Usually, an effectiveness time management through leisure activities can help to overcome the academic stress. Stress is indirectly affected to the academic performance. The research will analyze the life style of FPPSM students and students may learn the importance of balance their study life with leisure time. It helps to release stress and make the study become more effectiveness. The research expected bring awareness toward students to maximize their time and make them used the time more wisely. 1.4 Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study are: To investigate the effectiveness of time management on the academic performance of FPPSM student. To investigate the difference between the successful students and other students in time management. To determine the number of students with proper schedule planning. 1.5 Research Questions How effective is the time management against FPPSM student academic performance? What are the differences between successful students and other students on time management? How many of FPPSM students have proper schedule planning? 1.6 Significance of the study The finding of this research will help FPPSM students to manage their time wisely by knowing which items they need to pay attention to. Assignments that are due or revision for an upcoming test will be important. In addition, the finding will enable the students to lead a more balanced life by helping them find the time and energy to devote to all the important areas of their life. Besides, students who are under stress caused by work load pressure can be easily avoided with the help of time management. Work will complete on time and their stress level will stay at a normal range and leave a positive effect on their health. 1.7 Scope This research will be conducted in Faculty of Management Human Resource Development(FPPSM) the respondents are the first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students. The respondents are 50 students from FPPSM between the ages of 19-25 years old and they were selected randomly. The questionnaires were distributed on the 3rd and 4th February 2010. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of Time Management First of all, this part of research will start by introducing the definition of time management. Clarke stated that time management is a system, set of tools and skills that when combined will help you to gain more out of your allocated time and also let you be able to use your time to accomplish what you want and what you need to accomplish. In addition, time management is the control and focus of a persons actions to making everything do fit into specific durations and schedules, and try hard to make that fit happen, whether or not our tasks can actually be accomplished at that time. As we know time management is life management. It is the core skill around which everything that you do revolves around. It can be said that the quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your time management. Time management is really the external demonstration of self-discipline in your life. The most valuable thing human beings have are time. We can always get more money but once we spend our time it is gone forever. Firstly, to be a successful student they need to realize how valuable time is and then they need to understand the principles if they are going to manage it effectively. (Time Management) In addition, time management includes your day-to-day activities as well as your long term future wants and goals you have set for yourself. Some skills included in time management are planning, goal setting, managing your task or scheduling things you need to get done or would like to do. A diary is a very useful tool to help student manage their time wisely. In a diary they can schedule their planned things to do ahead of time by knowing what they need to pay attention to such as assignment and revision for an upcoming test. However, improve of time management skills is essential for student to reduce their stress and anxiety which comes from their university life. 2.2 Effectiveness of Time Management on the Academic Performance of FPPSM Student. According to Dozier (2008), with appropriate time management, students will be able to have more accomplishment. He also stated that the benefits of time management. College students will be able to live an ordered life with more extra time. Besides, college students will be able to reduce physical stress and avoid procrastination. According to the study of Ohio University from Karpinski (as cited in Kok and Teo, 2009) result of academic will be influenced if someone spent too much time online. Two hundred and nineteen of Facebook users were investigated by a research and find that undergraduates had grade point averages around 3 to 3.5 is a Facebook users On the other hand, students can get the higher GPAs if their less involve in Facebook. The same situation will occur if student addicted in playing game. If students can manage their free time or leisure time well, maybe it can avoid their result from getting bad. Someone will forget to do revision if he or she playing game without control. Student who addicted in game even be talk to study but he or she maybe always thinking about their game. It will totally jeopardize their performance in school and social relationship. The research paper by Ranjitamisra and McKean (2009) investigated the inter relationship among academic stress, anxiety, time management and leisure satisfaction among 249 university undergraduates by age and gender. The results have shown that females experienced higher self-imposed stress and more physiological reactions to stressors than males. They are managing their time more efficiently than males. From the results, we can find that time management has strongly correlated to academic stress. In addition, state anxiety had a greater association with reactions to stressors than trait anxiety. Besides, we also find that leisure activities will typically reduce academic stress. In the research titled Total time and efficient time management, Study, Study combine to Test, and Rest programming are the factor inherent that will affected to learning and retention (Izawa, 1999). From the research, time management may affect the effectiveness of learning process. Besides, according to Weissberg et al. (as cited in Schumm, 1992), time management is important to most of the undergraduate students and it becomes their primary personal need to make the learning process be more effective. College students are burdened by coursework, assignment, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities. The time management skill is a method to improve undergraduate students self-control. Briton Tesser (as cited in Schumm, 1992) found that there is a relationship among student self-report and their grade point averages. 2.3 Difference between the Successful Students and Other Students in Time Management. There was several view point from expert about become a successful students by managing time wisely. Apps (1990) stated that methods of successful students are used to manage their time. The students are blocked to learning mainly cause by time-stealers. Time stealers means that we do not have awareness when time flying. Time stealers include procrastination, unclear priorities, daydreaming, frustration and anxiety. On the other hand, successful students are time savers and time makers. Time savers means that save other time by eliminating the time-stealers. Time-savers include time inventory, weekly time plan, monthly calendar, to-do list and saying no. Then, time-makers refer to gain more time in life. Time makers include working more efficiently, using spare moments effectively and storing time. (Apps, 1990) According to Rochita (2009), many college students find it hard to balance their time with study and other social activities. Most of them are distracted by social activities and unable to cope with the study. So, college students need to manage or organize their time to maintain their CGPA. Firstly, they can go to a quite place to study instead of study in the dorm. It is because students may be distracted by their roommate. Then, college students should stay organized by writing down all the planning in a planner or notebook. In addition, college students should keep a to-do list above their desks to know what they are supposed to do every day. Lastly, college students should get rid of the clutter. Furthermore, Grabmeier (2009) discussed about the effects of procrastination. Lack of quality of work is one of the effects. It will also lead to students academic performance and the most important is students work does not accomplish before due date. Besides, Grabmeier also suggested some ways on how to become a successful student. From the research conducted by Britton Glynn (as cited in Schumm, 1992), ninety freshmen were surveyed using an instrument that included items related to choosing goals and sub goals, prioritizing goals, generating tasks and subtasks from the goals, listing the tasks on a to-do list, scheduling them, and then carrying them out. In the article, it stated that short-range planning, time attitudes and long-range planning are playing roles in college students academic performance. In order to become a successful college student, short-range planning and time attitudes are important to the cumulative grade point average. From this article, an effectiveness time management may be one of the factor affect to their academic performance. 2.4 Number of Students with Proper Schedule Planning. Ex-Ramapo students return for panel discussion with Class of 2010 which report by Loffredo (2010) discussed about, students need manage their time well. For example, balance study time, socializing, entertainment and sport to keep healthy life. Maybe students can finish their work in right time without do until night or finish last minutes. If students finish their work in early time, maybe mistake can be reducing. It can help student get the good mark in assignment. Besides, from the article Students learn to manage time from University Counselling Centre sponsors programme to help students succeed and learn to manage time. The author of this article is Jackson, (2004) claimed that student need to manage their time in study and socializing. This is because students can improve their relationship between friends. Daily schedule is needed to manage their time more effectiveness. Stress maybe can be reduced if students have good time management. The more important thing will be done first before it is too late. According to Barnes (1992), an effective learning depends on self-awareness. The awareness of students may affect the effectiveness of study and directly give effect to the academic performance of students. A research conducted by Maddox (as cited in Barnes, 1992) explained that studying in the afternoon is more efficient than studying at midnight. A proper time management may reduce students hour of studying. Besides that, a good time management could hinder the unnecessary things from consuming more time. The unnecessary things may cause time being wasted. Time management should be measurable. Students may manage their study by including appropriate time for leisure. Students should learn to indentify and list the priority things. Based on Barness opinion, time planning is useful and should be a guideline but should also be flexible. The flexibility of time management allows us to deal with the unexpected things. Then, Hirsch (2001) stated that life is what happens when you are making other plans (p.102). It means life is full of unexpected events that can interfere with carefully planned schedules. While some interruptions can be avoided by planning activities to make sure each activity are done properly, other things could come up unpredictably. However, no schedule will work all the time. 2.5 Past Research This research choose the researches of A comparison between the Time-management Skills and Academic Performance of Mature and Traditional-entry University Students conducted by Trueman and Hartley (1996) and How Business Students Spend Their Time Do They Really Know? conducted by Tanner and Maples as the references to conduct this research. The respondents of the research of Trueman were all the first-year students of psychology at Keele that were 293 students (Trueman, 1996). On the other hand, the respondents of the research conducted by Tanner were 212 business major students (Tanner Maples For our research, there will be 50 respondents from the Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development (FPPSM), UTM. The research conducted by Trueman (1996) focused on the relationship between time management skill and the first year students with different ages while the research conducted by Tanner Maples et. al focused on the awareness of business students spending their time. However, our research focuses on how FPPSM students manage their time and it includes first, second and third year students. The research instrument used by Tanner (1996) was logbook. The students were asked to record the time they spent for each activity for a period of one week. However, the research instrument that our group used is questionnaire and interview. From the research conducted by Trueman (1996), he found that the older mature students (aged more than 25 years) had a better time management skills than traditional-entry students (aged less than 21 years) and borderline mature students (aged 21-25 years). In addition, female students have a better time management skill than male students. However, our research does not study these aspects. Furthermore, the research showed no differences between time management skills and academic performance. However, our research will to study the relationship between time management and students performance. From the research conducted by Tanner and Maple, he found that technological distraction caused business students scarified their study time without realizing it. So, our research will determine the number of students who have proper schedule planning. The past research helped our group to have an idea of how to conduct our research and as a guideline for our research. CHAPTER 3 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the awareness of FPPSM students about the importance of time management. The respondents are 50 students from FPPSM. Data for the research will be extracted from the questionnaires and also through an interview session. 3.2 Research Instruments In this research, two methods of research instruments had been chosen to gather the primary data. These instruments are questionnaire for quantitative research methodology and interview for qualitative research methodology. A set of 50 sheets of questionnaire containing 18 questions where all of the questions are closed-ended or open-ended questions (Appendix A). There are different types of questions to be asked such as likert-scale questions, listing/choice questions, ranking questions in the questionnaire. In this study, the questionnaires were distributed to 50 respondents who are students from FPPSM. Students from FPPSM were selected to answer sets of questionnaire. The qualitative data for this research comes from interview. We are going to interview two students from FPPSM. One of the interviewee who is a member of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP), and another interviewee is a student from FPPSM who CGPA below 3.5. In addition, we prepare a set of questions before the interview (Appendix B). The reason of choosing this method is a lot of important ideas or opinions that cannot be collected through questionnaires. 3.3 Respondents of the Study The respondents are from first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students from FPPSM. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to students at different courses and years in February 2010. A total of 50 students from FPPSM returned the questionnaires. The interviewees chosen were Ms Lai Yit Sien and another student who CGPA below 3.5.The reasons for chosen Ms Lai Yit Sien as interviewee are she can manage their study and extra-curricular well, and maintain her CGPA by obtained Dean List in past semester. Ms Lai Yit Sien is a third year student of Human Resource Development. She is a member of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). On the other hand, another interviewee is a second year student of Human Resource Development. Her CGPA is below 3.5. 3.4 Research Procedure A pilot study was conducted on 1st February 2010 to access the validity of the research instrument. This pilot study was done before we distribute the questionnaires. Each group prepared five sets of questionnaire and distributed them to other group randomly for pilot test purpose. During the actual study, the questionnaires were distributed to the FPPSM students who are first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students. Respondents were approached with an initial question of whether they have scheduling or planning activities for their daily life. All the questionnaires collected after the respondents answer the questionnaires. 3.5 Data Analysis To analyse the data, the data from questionnaire were calculated and entered into computer manually. Results were presented through frequency counts and other descriptive statistics. Graphs, tables, charts and etc. were used to provide a clear picture on the data analysis. Interview data were used to validate the data from the questionnaire. The data were transferred into writing form. CHAPTER 4 4.0 FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This section discusses the finding and analysis of the research. The finding and analysis in this past will answer the research question of the research. Time management among FPPSM students can be identified through the section below. 4.2 Demographic 4.2.1 Number of Students from Each Course Figure A Distribution of Respondents Based on Courses Figure A shows the distribution of respondents involved in this research based on courses offered at FPPSM. There were 11 students from Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development), 12 students from Bachelor of Management (Technology), Bachelor of Management (Marketing), and Bachelor of Psychology (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) each other. There were three students from Bachelor of Accountancy. Therefore, the total number of respondents was 50 students. 4.2.2 Year of Students Figure B Distribution of Respondents Based on Year of Students Figure B shows distribution of respondents involved in this research based on year of students. There were 34% of students from first year (17 students), 32% students from second year (16 students), and 34% students from third year (17 students). 4.2.3 Gender Figure C Distribution of Respondents Based on Gender Figure C shows the gender of FPPSM students involved in this research. There were 38 (76%) female respondents and the other 12 (24%) respondents were male. 4.2.4 CGPA Figure D CGPA of FPPSM students Involved in This Research Figure D shows that the CGPA of respondents in this research. 29 out of 50 students achieved the CGPA 3.5 to 4.0. Twenty students have achieved 3.0-3.49, and only one student achieved the CGPA 2.5 to 2.99. Furthermore, there were no students CGPA were below 2.5. 4.3 Relationship between Time Management and Academic Performance 4.3.1 Effective Time Management Figure E Frequency of Distribution in Surfing the Internet of Effective Time Management (extra-activities). Figure E shows the time spent by respondent surfing the Internet in a day. There were around 50 percent of the respondents spent less than three hours surfing the Internet daily and 30 percent of the respondents spent more than six hours surfing internet in a day. Surfing internet may be a way to help students to get the information about study and assignment. On the other hand, some of FPPSM students are addicted in surfing internet. Figure F Frequency of Distribution on the Elements of Effective Time Management (extra-activities). Figure F shows the frequency of distribution on the elements in effective time management. There are 25 out of 50 respondents agree that they have the habit of exercise at least once a week. Besides that, there are around 21 respondents agree that they go for shopping, watch movie and other entertainment at least once a month. There are a number of respondents that are about 35 percent of the respondents having entertainment at least once in 2 weeks. Entertainment like shopping and watching movie are the ways to help students to release stress. However, students should avoid having too much entertainment in their life because it may affect their academic performance. Figure G Frequency Distribution of Elements in Effectiveness Time Management (study). Figure G shows the time of revision that most preferred by FPPSM students. Majority of the respondents start their revision a week before examination. There were not more than ten percent of the respondents start their revision a day before examination. Elements Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strong disagree Do not procrastinate 25 22 2 1 Study time plan 13 23 11 3 Balance in social and study 15 22 12 1 Table A Frequency of Distribution on the Elements (study) of Effective Time Management. According to Table A, majority of the respondents that are more than 50 percents of the respondents agree that they do not procrastinate, having study plan, and able to balance both their social activities and study. 4.3.2 Non-Effective Time Management Elements Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Participate in social activities and neglect study 4 17 18 11 Time full of unnecessary socializing 8 10 21 11Table B Frequency of Distribution on the Elements of Non-Effective Time Management. From Table B, it shows the frequency distribution of elements in non-effectiveness time management among FPPSM students. There are 11 out of 50 respondents disagree strongly that they will participate in social activities even they know they should be studying, and their time full of unnecessary socializing. Generally, more than half of the respondents disagree that they will participate in social activities even they know they should be studying, and unnecessary socializing takes up too much of their days. The finding able to answer the research objective that effective time management affects academic performance. Based on the findings, there are around 60 percent of FPPSM students getting CGPA more than 3.5 and having effectiveness time management. This proves that there are a relationship between effective time management and academic performance. According to Figure E, F, and G, they show the frequency of distribution on the elements of effective time management in extra-activities and also study. There are more than 50 percent of the respondents able to balance their extra-activities and study. There is not much difference between the numbers of respondents that surf the Internet less than three hours per day and exceed six hours per day. Internet is the most important tool in students life. Students may surf the Internet for entertainment, social networking, or information searching. Besides that, most of the respondents have a habit in exercise at least once a week. Exercise is a way to release stress. Thus, they are able to perform well with healthy body and mind. It is because exercise can facilitate blood circulation. So, they are easy to memorize the note if fresh in mind. Self discipline is one of the elements of effective time management. According to the findings, most of the respondents do not procrastination to complete assignments. It is because they have good discipline in managing their time. Most of them can follow their study schedule. Therefore, they can do their tasks systematically to prevent last minute work. As a result, they can produce more perfect and less mistake assignments in order to get the higher marks for their assignments. Indirectly, it will improve their academic performance. According to Barnes (1992), an effective learning depends on self-awareness. The awareness of students may affect the effectiveness of study and directly give effect to the academic performance. Based on the findings, majority of the respondents have self-awareness. Therefore, they aware their own responsibilities as a student are to accomplish their assignments and get the good results. In order to fulfill their responsibilities, they always have time schedule to finish assignments on time. Therefore, marks will not be deducted by lecturer. The effectiveness of time management will improve the academic performance. From the findings, most of the respondents have study time plan and do revision a week before examination. It shows the respondents feel that organizing and planning their time to study and do revision is important to their academic performance. A proper time planning may reduce students hour of studying at midnight. A research conducted by Maddox (as cited in Barnes, 1992) explained that studying in the afternoon is more efficient than studying at midnight. Besides that, the students can choose the more suitable time for them to study. By having an effective time plan, respondents have sufficient time to study and understand the content of study. As a result, they can score better in the examination. 4.4 Difference between Successful Students and Other Students in Time Management Successful student(more than CGPA3.5) Other student (lower than CGPA3.5) 1. What is your opinion about time management? Way to manage time in daily activities Way to distribute time and complete daily task 2. Do you think time management is important to the

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Betrayed by Constanin Costa-Gavras :: Movie, Film

The opening lyrics to America the Beautiful, ï ¿ ½O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,ï ¿ ½ demonstrate how agriculture and wheat farming have been ingrained, to almost mythical proportions, as quintessentially ï ¿ ½Americanï ¿ ½ amongst citizens in the United States. As the Great Plains of the Midwest helped establish the U.S. as a major economic superpower throughout the twentieth century, the nation grew by distributing vast amounts of grain across the globe, providing those farming in the region both a secure and profitable existence. But with the proliferation of farming technologies enabling foreign nations to establish a foothold in a new global economy, the U.S. and its farmers faced increased competition, and their stranglehold on grain exportation waned. ï ¿ ½You just canï ¿ ½t make a living growing wheat anymore,ï ¿ ½ says Greg Grenz, a farmer in Eureka South Dakota, as many ï ¿ ½U.S. farmers are increasingly under pressure as Americaï ¿ ½s ru n as a wheat powerhouse, and the dominant player in global agriculture, is under attack from a crop of newly emboldened, low-cost international rivals who are striking at one of the main pillars of American economic might: food exportsï ¿ ½ (Roger Thurow, 2004). Security and prosperity it seems are dwindling in the nationï ¿ ½s fertile plains. In most cases, with little recourse available, todayï ¿ ½s farmers are faced with a frightening decision: change their farming practices, via planting new crops or utilizing new techniques, or quit farming outright, forfeiting lands that may have been in families for generations and, more importantly, losing an identity that many consider to be most ï ¿ ½American.ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½Constanin Costa-Gavras, in his film Betrayed (1988), uses this framework of economic hardships caused by a declining farming industry to present his audience with some farmers who have decided on another option, lashing out violently at people who they believe are responsible for their plight. The film about ï ¿ ½star-crossed love [and] death and danger in white-picket-fence Americaï ¿ ½ (Kemply, 1988), involves a fictional community that employs white supremacist ideology to spread hate and intolerance as they blame Jews, non-whites, and the government for the economic conditions which they endure. The film also demonstrates the early use of the computer to branch out and connect these hate mongers, forecasting the use and proliferation of the internet to recruit new white supremacists around the country. As Randy Blazack, sociologist from Portland State University, elaborates in American Skinheads (2007), ï ¿ ½whether youï ¿ ½re recruiting people to be suicide bombers or recruiting foot soldiers in the racial holy war, youï ¿ ½re going after the same set of people, youï ¿ ½re going after people who feel like theyï ¿ ½re at the end of their rope, and the only recourse left is one of violenceï ¿ ½ (Geographic, 2007).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Where Does Law Come From? Essay -- The Origin of Law

Where does law come from? Law has been defined in many ways by various leaders and thinkers but there is no universal definition. There are numerous sources and the English legal system adopts the rules derived from these various sources to form the English law. Sources of law include common law and equity, legislation, and international conventions such as the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). It must be noted that customs or constitutional conventions are not law. It is a common misconception that customs or conventions are law. The judiciary have repeatedly held that conventions are not law and thus are not binding. The case of Attorney General v Jonathan Cape Ltd aptly demonstrated this point as the court held that the convention of Parliamentary confidentiality is only a convention and does not carry any legal weight. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand what, and how, are sources of law created and what possible dangers may arise from these sources. Common Law Common law first came about during the reign of William the Conqueror who created a common set of laws which was binding on all in the land. In the 15th century, the Chancellor was given the responsibility of deciding cases and he subsequently created his own court, the Court of Chancery which decided cases based on equity. As a result of the Judicature Act 1873, common law and equity were merged into the same courts to ensure that one enhances, instead of opposing, the other. Consequently, the only distinction between common law and equity is the remedies available to litigants. Today, common law is regarded as case laws which are decisions made by judges in cases. Common law is operated on two concepts of equal importance, namely the do... ...e Human Rights Act 1998 Third Edition, 2006 Articles T.H.Bingham ,’The European Convention on Human Rights: Time to Incorporate’ (1993) L.Q.R. 390 Table of cases A-G v Jonathan Cape Ltd [1976] QB 752 Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd [1999] 4 All ER 705 Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd [1975] 3 WLR 758 R v Goldstein, R v Rimmington [2005] UKHL 63 R v R [1991] 4All ER 481 Royal College of Nursing v Department of Health and Social Security [1981] 2 WLR 279,CA Table of statutes and other instruments Statutes: Abortion Act 1967 c87 European Communities Act c68 Human Rights Act 1998 c42 Interpretation Act 1978 c30 Judicature Act 1873 c66 Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 c51 Parliament Act 1949 c103 Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 c23 European Legislation: European Convention of Human Rights (1951)

The Actual Meaning of My Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke Essay example

The Actual Meaning of "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke Poetry is made to express the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of the poet. The reader can interpret the poem however they see fit. Critics are undecided about the theme of Theodore Roethke's "My Papa's Waltz." Some people believe that the poem is one of a happy exchange between a father and son. The more convincing interpretation is that it has a hidden message of parental abuse. Careful analysis of the keywords and each individual stanza back up this theory of child abuse by a violent and drunken father. The word that is key to the poem is romp. Roethke states that "we romped until the pans / slid from the kitchen shelf" (5-6). The word is usually associated with happy, boisterous, and energetic running around or dancing. A second definition is rough, lively play. Alcohol would cause a person to act in such a harsh manner. In athletics, a romp is an easy victory over an easy opponent. This means one side is clearly superior and beats the competition with fury and ease. The father could be viewed as a dominating and overpowering force to a small child. The younger son could not possible fight back to his bigger father especially with the added influence of liquor. Further reading of the poem will back up that meaning of the poem is to illustrate parental abuse. The first stanza sets the scene with clear imagery. The father appears to be in a heavily drunken state because the son can smell the "whiskey on your breath" (1). The reader knows the drinking is excessive because it almost made the boy dizzy. Clearly, the father is in a heavenly drunken state because someone else is feeling the effects of his drinking. Critics will ague that the son was enjoying ... ... is a happy time between a father and his child. Through careful reading, that interpretation is not valid. In 1948, actions such as this may have been a part of life. Maybe that is why Roethke wrote the poem this way because the event was probably happening in many households and people then could identify with this. Because of the vivid imagery, the reader can feel the boy's pain and fear of his father. In this case, the waltz is not a bonding time between a father and his son. People now would identify with the son and find a hatred for the father because of the mental and physical toll this could have on a child. The father does his dance by "waltzing" all over his son. Works Cited Roethke, Theodore. "My Papa's Waltz." Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays. Ed. Hans P. Guth and Gabriel L. Rico. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997, 536.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Styrofoam As Glue

AbstractMosquito repellents are essentially required these days. Mosquito coils are one of the cheapest and effective way of avoiding them, but this coils are made up of chemicals which can harm our health. So we thought about making a substitute mosquito coil that is not harmful to our health and that is the Anstor katol a natural and environmental friendly coil.IntroductionBackground of the Study:We chose this project because a mosquito coil made up from natural mosquito repelling plants will remove the health problems caused by commercial mosquito repellents. oregano and lemongrass are easy to find and very common and also if this project succeed this can be profitable for business and can encourage others to look for other use of our country's natural resources.Statement of the problem:Recent studies showed that the smoke generated from burning mosquito coil is of certain health concerns– a person being exposed to the smoke coming from the coil may suffer severe head ache, nausea and vomiting, the condition will be severe among asthmatic patients. The emission of formaldehyde from one burning coil can be as high as that released from 51 burning cigarettes. This is because of the chemicals found in mosquito coils. Making a mosquito coil out of natural ingredients may remove these problems.Objectives:Have an alternative solution to prevent the different kind of diseases that mosquito brings especially dengue fever and not cause another problem. Make use of the natural resources of our country to solve common problems caused by mosquitoes, especially dengue.Significance of the Study:The importance of our project is that we’ll be able to make a mosquito coil that is not harmful to our health and to kill mosquitoes that are vector-carriers of dengue.Scope and Delimitation:This project tackles on making a mosquito coil that is made up of natural ingredients that is not harmful to human health. Our project also tackles the protection of human beings against mosquito bites that cause diseases.Review of Related Literature: Mosquito coil is a Mosquito-repelling incense, it is usually shaped spiral. The coil is usually held at the centre of the spiral, suspending it in the air, or wedged by two pieces of fireproof nettings to allow continuous smouldering. Burning usually begins at the outer end of the spiral and progresses slowly toward the centre of the spiral, producing a mosquito-repellent smoke. A typical mosquito coil can measure around 15 cm in diameter.Oregano is a medicinal herb known for its antioxidant and anti-microbial, anti-parasitic properties. It is used for the treatment of indigestion problems, muscle pain, insect bites, and menstruation symptoms, bacterial and fungal infections. Dried leaves of oregano are commonly used for the therapeutic purposes it contains iron, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, niacin and thiamine.Oregano plant has been used for the treatment of various diseases since thousands of years back. Medical researches reveal that oregano contains antioxidants , anti-m icrobial and anti-parasitic compounds. Considering these medicinal properties, the studies are ongoing to use oregano for the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer, heart  disease and muscular degeneration.An antioxidant nature of oregano is evident from the presence of thymol and rosmarinic acid. These compounds help in scavenging free radicals, thus preventing cell damage and membrane alteration. The amount of antioxidant present in a tablespoon of fresh oregano and a medium-sized apple are the same.The volatile oil carvacrol present in oregano inhibits the growth of bacteria and other parasitic organisms. Some studies found this medicinal herb to be more effective in killing Giardia than the prescription drugs. Oregano supplements are also used for external and internal fungal infections.Herbal tea prepared with oregano helps in alleviation of headache, urinary problems, lung disorders, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and jaundice. Oregano boiled in plain water can be used as a mouthwash. Gargling with this water can help to prevent tooth infection and sore throat. Oregano oil applied directly to the infected tooth helps in combating toothache. Ground oregano leaves soothe artthrisis pain, insect bites and other skin problems. Its bitter taste and strong aroma help in controlling head lice.Mosquito’s abound in tropical countries like the Philippines. They have been pestering land vertebrates for millions of years. Insecticides are either too harmful to both man and the environment or too expensive for the consumers. The purpose of this study is to create an environment-friendly, safe, effective and cheap mosquito repellant.Weeping willow leaves, tubang bakod seeds, tubang bakod seed hulls, onion peelings and almaciga sap were collected. The solid ones were pulverized and mixed together in three pans in 1:1:1:2:4 ratio. Two of the pans were given different amounts of the oil extracted from tubang bakod seed while the remaining one was given none. T he mixtures were allowed to dry and were tested on mosquitoes for effectivity and on humans for acceptability. The results showed that tubang bakod has a significant repelling effect on mosquitoes.Continue Reading here

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Developed Through Pips Visit To Satis Essay

Essay Title Discuss How The piece of music Of Class Is Developed Through worsts clack To Satis (enough) House Charles dickens expertly created bildungsroman near a youthful common boys rely to be a gentleman develops the theme of kinsfolk and its sociable importance throughout the story. monster shoot for was to indicate the corruption in side of meat familiarity at the time and he displays it through come tos, the main character, examines to Satis sign of the zodiac a house owned by a mysterious, middle classed woman with a splendiferous daughter that is bemused by spotlights appearance and degrade class and therefore abuses him for it.Dickens portraits the velocity class as evil, selfish villains in the novel and is on the inflict class peoples side, al meanss revealing the disgraceful wealthiness the upper class owned magical spell the silly got poorer. Great Expectations is a kind commentary that gives a strong ruling on society. fleck is a classical e xample of the lowest level of a working class child hes an orphan, lives a miserable demeanor with his obnoxious and beastly sister, and gets abused by e realone that sees him. Universal struggle, this is how welt describes keep as a desolate young boy. pointstrives to turn his dream fantasy a gleaming, bright gentleman and to do that he must overcome many occasions. Firstly, patch can scarce read or write, I struggled through the alphabet as if it had been a bramble bush, this just adds emphasis on the true lowness of kills class as only the prolific got educated while the poor got overlooked. In fact, when the poor did get educated, it was of a actu alone in entirelyy low standard with the teachers sleeping in class and cramp, overheated rooms, with very atomic ventilation, much the contrary for the lavish, learning outline accustomed to the rich and quality youths.Also, place is innumerate meaning he incline count, I fell among the thieves, the nine figures, thi s tells us that Pip is lacking basic life skills and must adapt to life without reading, writing and counting which adds to his struggle of dreaming to become a gentleman and gains sympathy dispatch the reader because of his desperate situation. From pips first visit to Satis House, we realize the stupefying difference between Pip and run Havishams child, Estella, and how their class and background concern their attitudes towards each other and their views on society and life overall.The setting of Satis House flabbergasts Pip so much, he can b bely explain everything around him, satins, and lace, and silks all of sinlessness The description brings to mind a very rich, selfish and stagnant person which is how Dickens re vexs all the rich and upper-class people. Pip is confused of how to prepare himself for his first visit to Satis House, I was not at remedy regarding the expression in which I should confront myself under that wenchs roof. This shows that the poor scarcel y get in wholesaler with the rich and are bewildered with how to present themselves.On the other hand, Estella proudly calls Pip by the name boy and mocks his garments which in turn makes Pip constitute his lower class so he therefore begins to clean and pamper himself later(prenominal) on the suffering. Dickens builds up tension by describing Satis House as unkept and shitty which is a reflection of Miss Havishams odd personality and its a bit bias to be honest, because all Dickens fantasies about the rich beingness evil, rude and a bit groundless are fitted into one character especially and her eerie house.One time, Miss Havisham questions Pip in such a way at one point, that he gets panicky out of his wits and his answers to her spiteful questions are all monosyllabic, who is it? Pip In essence, Dickens disrespect to the upper-class is such, that he represents them all in one lady that is so low, she bullys innocent pocketable boys and makes them feel ashamed for who they are and as hitherto makes Pip accept hes lower then her which one may argue is a good thing as it inspires Pip to greatness later on but is atrocious, giving that posture is not all there is to life. Estella is the lady in the book.When she meets Pip, her presence with him clearly shows the great gap between their two value classes. Of her first few words to Pip, she looks at his tatty state and says disgustingly, come here, boy. She judged him by his looks and clothes and instantly recognized his lower state and treats him like an animal and he follows reluctantly, falling for her looks, being a girl, beautiful and self-possessed. By being attractive, Estella has a male monarch over Pip that she can accommodate herself to be rude and sly to him, yet he will still reckon her, ridicule him and hell still show respect, so Estella has the upper hand in all cases.Dickens use of imagination glorifies Estella in every way as Pip is drawn to her, like a moth to the light, but in reality his desire to be good enough for Estella leads him to selfishness and being big-headed, just like the rest of the upper-class in Victorian England at the time, tally to Dickens that is. Estella is very lucky, in the grit she has access to food and wines while Pips struggling for bare cram with bread and water for snacks.Unfortunately, this was the case for everyone at the time it was rare for the lower-class to take on luxuries even close to those of the rich and it all blatantly shows between the meetings of Pip and Estella. I wish my boots werent so mystifying nor my hands so coarse. This is the moment Pip feels ashamed of himself for the first time. He accepts whacking in a cowardly manner and is disappointed at life and wherefore he, amongst others, is a common, miserable and poor, weak boy. He even calls himself ignorant and backwards, in his defeat, which is quite the contrary really until after tour miss Havisham and being in her household.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Mr. 1. Introduction 1. 1.If youre writing a career goals essay, keep reading to learn how.* mad Clean deduction is only possible in the logical disciplines. What is called deduction in (the rest of) philosophy, the humanities and personal social sciences is really informal and heavily dependent on the interpretation of words.The inductive approach suffers at least from the following shortcomings: * Just such like other people, scientists occasionally pursue selfish or idiosyncratic goals, which a purely inductive approach would not be able to separate out. * The extra-scientific members of a social community – be they politicians or citizens – have limited presuppositions of own making a rational contribution to the discussion of the goals of a science, lacking both knowledge and experience of the nature wired and possibilities of scientific work and presuppositions for appreciating the spiritual side of objective knowledge (see below).Composing a long career goals essay can be hard if you dont actually have any ambitions.

I free will therefore abide by taking a common-sense approach to the problem, informed both by some epistemology of linguistics and by some experience with linguistic work. 1. 2. Fundamentals Like any human activity, linguistics has a place in a teleonomic hierarchy (see teleonomische Hierarchie) which is headed by its ultimate goals.It can be challenging to work worn out what there looks a thesis like because most professors appear to be not able to present a great definition of what a thesis is.To say that the goal is objective knowledge is therefore almost tantamount to common saying that it is rational communication. This rephrasing also serves the purpose of avoiding a static conception of ‘objective knowledge’. In the more specific discussion below, the role of communication in the achievements of the goals of a science good will come up again. Understanding has two sides, a spiritual and a practical one.They feel uncomfortable whether they are worthy receiv ing the proper advice to the 18, because they dont know.

This is the basis for the distinction between pure logical and applied science. Linguistics is the study of human language.Understanding this object has a purely spiritual aspect, which constitutes what might be called â€Å"pure linguistics† and what is more commonly called general linguistics. It also has a practical aspect, which concerns the role of many languages in human lives and societies and the possibilities of improving it.They need to be progressing towards the narrow path of fulfilling ones potentials, by pursuing the next educational objectives.Here we will focus on the tasks of linguistics as an empirical discipline. good For such a discipline, the main tasks are: 1. elaboration of a theory of its object 2. documentation and brief description of its object 3.Its essential for me to find a good education.

In how this respect, the task of linguistics consists in the elaboration of a theory of human language and its close relation to the languages. Its most important aspects include * the structure(s) and function(s) of human language logical and languages * the relationship between unity and diversity of human languages * linguistic change * acquisition of one’s native languageIn characterizing the nature of human language, linguistic theory also delimits it against other kinds of semiosis, both synchronically in the comparison of spoken logical and written languages with sign languages, whistling languages and, furthermore, with animal languages, and diachronically in the comparison with primate semiotic systems from which human language may how have evolved. 3. Empiry: documentation and description of languages As recalled above, linguistics is (among other things) an empirical science.Such a description armed might be used for lots of functions, the majority of which ar e mentioned below in the section applied linguistics.language description: 1. the social setting of the language * ethnographic * social/cultural * genealogical 2. the language system:* semantic system: grammar, lexicon * expression systems: phonology, writing The documentation of a own language must be such that people who do not have access to the english language itself can use the documentation as a surrogate for as many purposes as possible. In particular, it should be possible to develop a description of a language on the basis of its documentation.Language many plays a part in personal identity.

That is, in the synchronic perspective, they are systematic, while in the diachronic perspective, they are historical. 4. Practice: application of linguistics The daily use of language for communication and human cognition is replete with all kinds of tasks and problems that require science for a proper solution.Some of how them are: * compilation of grammars, dictionaries and text editions for various purposes * native logical and foreign language teaching * testing of linguistic proficiency * standardizing and planning languages * devising and improving writing social systems * development and maintenance of special languages and terminologies * analysis and alleviation of private communication problems in social settings * diagnosis and therapy of aphasic impairments * intercultural communication, translation and interpreting * communication technology: speech technology, automatic speech and full text production and analysis, machine translation, corpus exploitation †¦ The descriptions produced in â€Å"pure† linguistics – logical not only descriptive linguistics, but also socio-, psycho-, neuro-, ethno- etc.Many languages have never been so lucky.* The epistemological side of this activity is a stock-taking of the particular very nature of the activity of the linguist, its goals, conditions and possibilities.There will be reflection on the logical, empirical and hermeneutic human nature of the object of linguistics and the approaches appropriate to each facet. * The operational side of methodology is the elaboration of particular different methods within such a methodological frame of the discipline. Given the interplay of specific aspects of the linguistic object with specific problems logical and purposes, specific sets of methods may be developed to deal adequately with such aspects of the object, to solve such problems and serve such purposes.Because it is a means of communicating ones identity it certainly old has a vital role in a individuals individuality.

Cooperation: interdisciplinary fertilization.The articulation of science into disciplines is, first of all, a necessity of the division of labor. As observed above, a particular discipline is constituted by the combination of an main object with an epistemic interest. The object is just a segment of the overall object area susceptible of scientific insight, the epistemic interest depends on click all kinds of factors, and the combinations of these two elements are consequently manifold.Possessing a different language is a step and a own benefit forward.where the interfaces for the combination of related theories are. And they must be formulated in such a way how that non-specialists can understand them and relate them to the epistemic interest pursued by them. Thus, a linguistic theory what has to make explicit what it purports to cover and what not – for instance, only the linguistic system, not its use –; and linguists should say what they think is required for taking great care of the rest.Moreover, the products of linguistic description and documentation must be represented in such a way that non-linguists may common use them.Thesis statements arent simple to write.

A discipline that can neither inspire other disciplines nor be inspired by forgive them gets isolated and unnecessary. 7. Conclusion Above, five areas of goals of linguistics have been identified: 1.Theory: the nature of only human language 2.Decisions are constructed upon conclusions.Goal #1, the elaboration of a theory of its object, is the highest goal of any science. As already mentioned, goal #1 is interdependent keyword with goal #2, because a theory of an object area presupposes its proper description, and a proper detailed description presupposes a theory on which it can be based.Furthermore, the production of documentations and descriptions is a service to the society. This is even more true of goal #3: The solution of daily-life tasks and problems is a practical contribution to the improvement of the conditio humana.Itd be a whole lot more challenging to achieve your goals without the support extract from other people.

Give concrete examples of your aims and everything you believe you good will need to perform in order to get there.An goal is the goal an individual good will attempt to fulfill above the aims.If it regards objectives I also have made my own mind up.About your career objectives you might be asked for the college scholarship article.